Statistics primer

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Experiments use statistics to determine whether a given variant performs better than the control. Statistical analysis helps us increase our confidence in the results by quantifying win probabilities and credible intervals. These calculations help us determine whether the experiment shows a statistically significant real effect or simply random chance.

Bayesian statistics

PostHog uses Bayesian statistics to evaluate experiments because it offers these benefits:

  • Continuous Monitoring: You can check results at any time without statistical penalties
  • Intuitive Results: Get direct probability statements about which variant is winning
  • Faster Decisions: Make confident decisions earlier with accumulating evidence
  • Flexible Analysis: No need for fixed sample sizes or rigid stopping rules

This contrasts with Frequentist statistics, which requires you to predefine sample sizes and prevents you from updating probabilities as new data arrives.

Bayesian analysis example

Consider the following experiment results:

  • 1 in 10 people in the control group complete the funnel = 10% success rate
  • 1 in 9 people in the variant group complete the funnel = 11% success rate

When we analyze these results using Bayesian statistics, we find:

  • The control variant has a 46.7% probability of being better and the test variant has a 53.3% probability of being better.
  • The control shows a credible interval of [2.3%, 41.3%] and the test shows a credible interval of [2.5%, 44.5%].

These results show that, while the test variant has a slightly higher success rate, we don't have enough data to draw a statistically significant conclusion. We need to see a much higher win probability for one of the variants, and more divergent credible intervals. You'll typically need more samples to confirm that the test variant truly performs better than the control.

When we let the experiment run longer and analyze the results again, we find:

  • 100 in 1000 people in the control group complete the funnel = 10% success rate
  • 100 in 900 people in the variant group complete the funnel = 11% success rate
  • The control variant has a 21.5% probability of being better and the test variant has a 78.5% probability of being better.
  • The control shows a credible interval of [8.3%, 12%] and the test shows a credible interval of [9.2%, 13.3%].

Gathering more data helps us increase our confidence in the results. The test variant's win probability increased significantly, and the credible intervals became narrower and more distinct. You can decide on the winner now or continue to wait, depending on your business requirements. PostHog considers an experiment significant when one variant shows a greater than 90% probability of winning.

Supported methodologies

PostHog uses different Bayesian methodologies depending on the type of data:


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Funnels statistics

Funnel experiments use a Beta model to evaluate the win probabilities and credible intervals for an experiment. Read the statistics primer for an introduction to Bayesian statistics if you haven't already. Our methodology uses a minimally informative prior of ALPHA_PRIOR = 1 and BETA_PRIOR = 1 . Win probabilities The win probability tells you how likely it is that a given variant has the highest conversion rate compared to all other variants in the experiment. It helps you determine…

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